Guide to Paling Fencing
Paling fencing is a great option if you are looking to improve the privacy of your outdoor spaces, and still maintain a certain level of style for your property. Paling fences are low budget, they can be painted any number of colors, they look great from the outside and they ensure that you get the privacy which you require at home. Another great benefit of paling fences is that you don’t need a professional service in order to erect them, but you do need to have some idea regarding materials and placement.
If you are planning on putting up this kind of fence, here is what you need to know.
Timber Types
Whilst most timber stockists will be able to help you out when selecting the right timber for this job, there are some varieties which are used more commonly than others. Most commonly we see red gum, jarrah, yellow stringy bark and white cypress pine used for this particular kind of job. These timbers are durable, easy to work with and with the exception of the cypress pine, they stand up very well to the elements. The white cypress pine is not a good timber choice if you live in an area with high winds.
Post Spacing
The recommended post spacing for paling fencing is between 2700mm and 3000mm. This will ensure that you have enough space for the overall stability of the fence, and that you don’t leave too big a gap between each plinth, ensuring privacy.
Filling in Holes
Once you have made holes for the posts, it is important that they are not refilled with soil, as this threatens the structural integrity of the fence. For best results mix dry cement and mix it with the soil, before using the mixture to refill the hole. Once the mix has set it will offer maximum stability for the fence post and the rest of the fence too. When buying these plinths you would be best to find a good quality hardwood rather than using the same timber as the rest of the fence.
Measure For Ground Levels
A common mistake which people make when erecting paling fencing is that they fail to factor in the ground levels, which can lead to a fence looking uneven. The best course of action here it to use a level to check where the ground differs, and use deeper holes for posts in order to ensure a clean, horizontal finish. It is difficult to get this perfect, but given the appearance of the fence when completed, there is some room for varying heights, which won’t be noticeable.
Protecting The Fence
Although timber naturally works well in a variety of weather conditions, it is always best practice to coat the fence in a high quality sealant, in order to ensure its durability. Remember that if you are looking to paint the fence, you should also ensure that you have sealed it first, as the paint alone will not be enough to provide a high level of protection against the elements.
Any more questions which you may have about paling fencing, don’t hesitate to get in touch in the comments section below.