Everything You Want To Know About CFA Piling

The CFA (Continuous Flight Auger pile) is a system that is used for supporting fluid or casings when working on cohesive soil, water-bearing soil, or non-cohesive site. It is a useful procedure when you have to work on sensitive sites or if you need to work near pre-existing structures. The CFA piling uses the drill foundation, which is drilled until it reaches the final depth. The process of drilling until the final depth is continuous which is carried by the continuous auger.
When the auger drills the ground to support the hole and maintain stability during the process, the augur is filled with the soil. The auger then provides lateral support to the hole and increases the stability of the hole.
In the process, the auger is taken out from its position and immediately filled in the hole with the concrete grout. The concrete is pump through the hollow center of the auger pipe to the base. The grout/concrete takes the place of the auger when the auger is removed to support the hole. Besides the filling, the concrete makes the hole close and support. After all these procedures, the reinforcement is put in its position, which is in the concrete/grout fluid, to complete the pile.
Advantages Of Using CFA Piling
Like any process, the CFA has its own advantage. Here are the benefits of using CFA piling.
- The construction pile with the CFA system eliminates the vibration and excessive noise.
- The CFA installation takes less time to compare to other piles significantly.
- CFA piling avoids the use of casing when your work at unstable sites such as cohesive soil, water-bearing soil, or non-cohesive site.
- The CFA piling is often used when you need to save your time of foundation construction. The rigs are powerful in CFA piling.
- The CFA piling is also economical when using in a large project.
- The CFA piling gives you leverage when you have to work on sensitive or challenging ground conditions.
- The CFA piling also allows you to operate in the condition where you challenge, such as low headroom and confined spaces.
Disadvantages Of Using CFA Piling
There are disadvantages associate with every process; similarly, CFA piling has its own disadvantages. Here are disadvantages associated with CFA piling.
- The system is not economical for the low-scale construction project.
- Not maintain proper auger rotating, or penetration rate can damage the adjacent structure.
- Generates spoils because of installation.
- The CFA piling is not recommended for hard and soft layers.